This course is ideal for anyone who loves to write and wants to improve their skills and ability. Gain tools to help you write for different genres and gain an introduction to writing books, for newspapers, non-fiction and fiction. suitable for students who want to write but are not sure what to write those who […]Throughout the course, you will learn key elements to writing fiction such as: Creating believable characters Developing plots that will keep your readers reading Creating a strong sense of place Writing believable dialogue Structuring a novel or short story; and Getting your book out into the world Detailed Course Outline This course is made up […]This course will develop your knowledge of English grammar and your ability to write in English for business and study. The course is aimed at students who can write and speak basic English and wish to strengthen their English language skills, particularly their writing skills. Students will learn by reading the course notes, completing written […]Good grammar is essential regardless of your industry. Learn to improve your written communication skills in this online short course. We all use language in some form and we combine words to effectively communicate with others, both in the written and spoken forms. This course will help to improve the way you communicate in English, […]This short online course in creative writing will help you get started with creative writing techniques, tips and tricks you need along the way to get a career going, build you understanding of different genres and literary devices and much more! Many of us harbour a fantasy about being a creative writer, but what do […]Fiction is writing that encompasses imaginary yet believable characters, events, and environments, but can also include real places and events. A good fiction writer can skillfully weave fantasy and reality, or create a world that is wholly imagined yet feels real. If you want to write fiction, this is the course for you. Always dreamed of writing […]This technical writing course will prepare you to write in a way that is accurate, precise and containing practical information. In technical writing the content is ordered, procedural and presented with the intention of educating or training the reader in a process or procedure.Learn to Write Scripts Professionally Scripts are essential across a wide range of mediums including films, instructional design, advertising, radio, TV and more. If you enjoy writing across different media this is a great course to start as a professional script writer. This course will teach you how to write for different media, how to […]Learn to Write Biographies A biography is the story of someone’s life and can either extend for their whole life or just a specific period. This course will give you the skills you need to write biographies and will answer your questions such as how to research for writing a biography, how do I plan […]Learn to write horror, science fiction and fantasy in this unique self-paced online course. These genre’s are central to our society, our myths and our storytelling, consider some of our most popular books and movies such as Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and The Walking Dead. Horror allows us to feel fear, fantasy allows […]All writing should be clearly understood by the reader If you’re dashing off a quick email to your workmates or preparing a complex business report, your writing must clear, concise, and correctly spelt and structured. During this course you will learn the fundamentals of correct and efficient writing. For those who wish to brush up […]Learn to write drama, and stimulate the readers emotions Learn more about the mechanics of writing Develop your capacity to communicate more clearly and effectively Explore opportunities to turn your passion into a rewarding job Do you have story ideas but don’t know where to start? Do you want to create plots that are engaging and […]Freelance writing can be a highly satisfying and rewarding way to earn money, either as a part time or full time career. To be successful at Freelance Writing, you need good writing skills of course ….but also, saleable ideas, patience, persistence and an ability to meet obligations and deadlines. Learn how to write what publishers want Improve your […]Writing for children is one of the most challenging disciplines an author can choose. Learn to write for the most imaginative and creative audience that you will ever face. Gain skills in writing fiction and non fiction for children, improve your understanding of children and their development, improve your writing skills and learn from an experienced author. Course Aims: […]Do you want to be published? Learn to write like a professional! Learn about the key elements of different genres of writing. Improve your writing technique. Develop a more efficient approach to your work. This is an ideal course to follow ‘Freelance Writing’. It is for people who have existing skills in Freelance Writing, but […]