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#StayAtHome: Staying Motivated While Working From Home


There’s a good chance you, like many of us, have had to adjust to a new work schedule over the last few weeks. If you’ve suddenly found yourself working from home, you might be finding it harder to stay motivated and focused. The distractions and temptations to procrastinate that come with working in a home environment can make getting work done quite challenging. If you’re finding it hard to focus and motivate yourself, we guarantee that you’re not the only one! In this blog, we’ve compiled this list of tips and tricks to help you be as productive as you can be when working from home.

1. Stick to a Schedule

One of the major downsides of working from home is the lack of the structure that you would be so used to in an office environment. The best way to overcome this obstacle is to create a schedule of your very own, complete with timed food and coffee breaks (we all know how important these are!) and set times to start and finish working. As part of this schedule, plan exactly what you need to achieve each day, then break down each goal into smaller, realistic tasks. For example, if you are writing a report, break it down into sections, and set yourself a realistic time limit to complete each one. You’ll feel enormous satisfaction being able to cross off items on your list and seeing just how much you’ve achieved!

2. Add some Greenery to Your Workspace

Indoor plants are good for a whole lot more than just decoration! Studies have tested the effects of plants on productivity. As it turns out, decorating a workspace with plants can help us to stay focused and motivated. Indoor plants have also been found to improve our mood and creativity, and spending time in areas with greenery can have a positive long-term benefit on physical and mental health. So, if your desk is looking a little drab and could use some pops of color, find yourself some pretty indoor plants to keep you company while you work!

3. Check in With Your Co-workers
When we’re not working in our usual environment, we miss out on socializing with our co-workers each day. This lack of social interaction can make us feel lonely, isolated and sad, which means we won’t be in the right mindset for getting work done. Keep yourself connected to your colleagues by checking in with them regularly. A group video chat, a phone call, or even a simple text message could be just what you and your colleagues need to stay positive and productive.

4. Minimize Distractions

It’s not always easy to avoid being distracted when you’re working from home. A family member who wants your attention, a noisy neighbor, or the irresistible temptation to scroll through your social media feed can be difficult to ignore. If you can, try and set up your workspace in an area of your home that other members of your household are less likely to visit. Working in a space away from family members and housemates will make your environment much quieter and help you focus easily. If you find yourself being distracted by social media, find yourself a browser extension that will block or set time limits for websites that you use to procrastinate. Be sure to remove any other items you might be distracted by from your workspace. After you complete a task, reward yourself with a few minutes of social media time, or a short break doing something you enjoy. Allowing yourself a reward for achieving your goal will ensure you stay motivated and focused on the task at hand.

We hope these tips and tricks will help you stay productive and motivated in these challenging times. If you’d like to put your new-found motivation to good use, check out Careerline’s broad range of online courses! With courses in disciplines from business to horticulture and everything in between, you’re sure to find one that will help you take that next big step in your career. Contact us to find out more!

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