Good soil conditions are critical to the healthy growth of most plants. Over eight lessons this course will develop an understanding of physical & chemical properties of soils, the ability to carry out simple tests and determine soil characteristics, and to decide ways of treating a soil to improve its ability to grow plants. The […]Soils are at the basis of all agriculture, particularly in Australia where soils are generally poor. Improving your soil quality is essential for better crop and pasture production. This course will help understand the processes required to improve soil condition and fertility. Highly recommended for anyone working with pasture and crops. In this course […]Good soil conditions are critical to the healthy growth of most plants. Nutrient levels, pH, salinity, depth, texture (properties of sand and clay), structure (form and arrangement), porosity (air space), consistence (the ability of soil to withstand rupture) and even colour can affect plant growth independently or interdependently. Over eight lessons this course will develop […]