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Short course in Managing Events

100% Online Study

20 Hr Short Course

Any Device, Any Time

Self Paced Study

Manage Events – Gain a better understanding of event management with our short course!

If the idea of organising, managing and running events sounds like an exciting and interesting career or interest for you and you are not sure about what exactly is involved in events managing, our 20 hour short course will provide you with a great introduction into is involved in organising an event.

Using a self paced, interactive study guide; you can take as much or little time as you wish to complete this course.

As you work through this self- guided course, you will be given a range of suggested tasks that can choose to complete or not. The tasks are a great way for you to get a better understanding of events and research local events and industries that are of interest to you.

As you progress through each lesson; you will be provided with a range of ways you can expand your learning. By choosing what tasks you do and don’t undertake; you can expand in areas that interest you most, and skip areas of less interest.

You won’t miss anything important that you need to know about managing events though; so long as you read the notes that are presented alongside these “learn more” suggestions.

How does it work?

At the end of each lesson, you will be given a short interactive test to undertake, which will provide an indication of how your learning is progressing. Upon completing the very last lesson, you will be offered a more thorough automated test or examination. This final assessment can be undertaken at any time of day or night; and any day of the week; and if you achieve an overall pass (60% or more); you will be able to obtain a “certificate of completion” with your name and completion date on it.

Note: these short courses are self-guided online courses and are not to be confused with our tutor-supported online courses.


There are 12 Lessons in this course:

1. Scope and nature of Event Management

    • Definition
    • Variables
    • Types of events
    • The impact of events
    • Timelines
    • What is an event worth?
    • What makes someone a good manager?

2. Developing a Concept and Planning

    • The need
    • Expectation determination
    • Developing concepts
    • The stakeholders
    • Planning processes

3. Organising the Resources Required

    • Location
    • Organizing physical resources and services
    • Financial resources
    • Managing financial resources
    • Marketing resources
    • Outsourcing resource requirements

4. Catering: Food and Drink

    • Determining food and beverage needs
    • Choosing a caterer
    • Other catering considerations

5. Promoting an Event

    • Marketing an event
    • Case study – marketing strategy: use of public parks and gardens for events
    • Target marketing
    • How to determine a target
    • The marketing mix
    • How to promote a private event
    • How to promote a public event

6. Managing the Clientele

    • Accessibility
    • Queuing theory
    • Negative situations
    • Conflict handling techniques
    • Dealing with your anger and emotions

7. Risk management, Legalities and Contingency Planning

    • Planning for the unexpected
    • Risk analysis
    • Tools for identifying risks
    • Negating risk
    • Contingency planning
    • Legal issues
    • Insurance
    • Security at events

8. Delivering the Event

    • Some things to consider before setting-up day
    • After the event

9. Organising Celebrations and Parties

    • A children’s party
    • A wedding
    • A reunion
    • A street party

10. Organising Exhibitions

    • Guidelines for planning a show or exhibition

11. Organising Conferences and Seminars

    • Organizing a conference

12. Working in the Events Industry

    • Where to from here?
    • Education
    • Job profiles

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$ 199 Once only payment
  • Single payment
  • Pay by Credit Card or PayPal

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Flexibility You Need

We understand what you need. We offer flexible payment terms, flexible study options while giving you the structure to succeed.

1-on-1 Support

We care about your success, we are here to help you every step of the way. Our short courses are designed to be self sufficient but our tutors are available to answer questions.

Easy Study Schedule

Our courses are self paced. You set your own study schedule to fit around your life. Study from home on any device, at anytime!


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Save and pay upfront using your Credit Card or PayPal
$ 199 Once only payment
  • Best value
  • Single payment
  • Pay by Credit Card or PayPal

Our Promise To You

There are a lot of options for online learning, and we’re glad that you’ve decided to look into Careerline.  We want to be your go-to learning spot, so we’ll make you these promises:

You’re never just a number. You’re a student with goals and challenges and we want to help you in any way we can.

Your goals matter. Whether you’re just starting a new hobby or trying to transform your career, your goal is important and it’s worth your time and our devoted attention.

When you reach out, we respond. You’re wondering right now, “Will they take my money and disappear?” When you join, you are part of the family. Need something? Just contact us and we’ll get right back to you. Have questions, concerns, or feedback about your learning? We love talking about learning, and we love talking to our customers, so we can’t wait for you to get in touch.

7 Day Refund if you are not satisfied.  If you are not satisfied with our service or content we will happily refund your money.  Terms & Conditions do apply.

Our Online Short Courses

First and foremost our courses are 100% online courses BUT they are still very practical!  You will learn many practical skills, do some research, field trips and much more.  

All learning is best done by doing, so our online courses are designed to give you the foundation knowledge you need and to get you out there and doing whatever it is that you love.  

This sets our students up for success. 

    • 100% Online
    • Practical 
    • Certificate issued on completion
    • Self paced study

Getting where you want to go with your studies and/or career, involves much more than just reading or watching a video.  Knowing how to learn, how to research and find out new information, how to judge if the source of information is any good and how to find out what is happening in your industry and creating a network are vitally important!  Our courses will help you do all that.

We have mini self assessment tests so that you can be the judge of how well you understand the material and then a set task where you will undertake some form of practical exercise.  

Online study can by difficult but we are here to help you every step of the way.  


Courses on devices
Courses on devices

First and foremost our courses are 100% online courses BUT they are still very practical!  You will learn many practical skills, do some research, field trips and much more.  

All learning is best done by doing, so our online courses are designed to give you the foundation knowledge you need and to get you out there and doing whatever it is that you love.  

This sets our students up for success. 

    • 100% Online
    • Practical 
    • Certificate issued on completion
    • Self paced study

Getting where you want to go with your studies and/or career, involves much more than just reading or watching a video.  Knowing how to learn, how to research and find out new information, how to judge if the source of information is any good and how to find out what is happening in your industry and creating a network are vitally important!  Our courses will help you do all that.

We have mini self assessment tests so that you can be the judge of how well you understand the material and then a set task where you will undertake some form of practical exercise.  

Online study can by difficult but we are here to help you every step of the way.  

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No questions asked 7 days refund (*as per Terms and Conditions)

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