A great 2-in-1 course bundle to learn viticulture and winemaking together.Why study this Horticulture course? If you are an avid gardener who wants to learn more about growing plants, then Careerline’s online Horticulture A course is designed for you. As an introductory horticulture course, it is designed to provide a broad and practical overview of the basics of identifying, growing, and maintaining plants. The skills […]Learn the art of Pruning Pruning is an ancient art. Man has been using it to tame plants for centuries as well as to promote desirable plant growth like flowers and fruits. However, not all plants benefit from pruning and the amount you can safely prune varies from species to species. Some plants only flower […]Learn to identify and employ different methods of weed control Understand weed control. Develop your knowledge of weed control methods. Taught by horticulture experts. Study in your own time at your own pace. This course provides valuable learning for land managers, farmers, gardeners, orchardists, market gardeners, landscapers, spray contractors, nurserymen or anyone else concerned with the […]A practical approach to horticultural education.. How do you learn the practical side of horticulture by distance education? This course was developed for those people who feel that they will gain more from a course that places MOST of the learning experience on learning theory – through practice. There are lots of practical horticultural tasks […]Learn Essential Gardening Skills in your own pace Gardening can be a lot of fun, a hobby or a job. Without an understanding of the basics though, mistakes are easily made. Time and money can be wasted doing gardening tasks incorrectly, or with the wrong equipment and materials. This short course can be studied in […]Plant Taxonomy (i.e. the scientific identification of plants) has been increasingly sidelined and neglected in horticulture, agriculture, botany and science courses. This is really something that EVERYONE who works with plants should study. This short course is a great way to become proficient in understanding the essentials in plant taxonomy. To the ill informed, it is […]Horticultural Therapy is the use of plants and gardens for rehabilitation and human healing. It is an ancient practice and a new profession as well. It is an interaction between people, plants and gardens to improve social, emotional, cognitive and physical well-being. Much horticultural therapy with children is education or developmentally-based and group focused. Horticultural […]If your dream is to work outdoors with nature or animals; this course is best for you. Get the skills you need in order to make right decisions, big and small. Appropriate for anyone working with or want to work with, national parks, wilderness parks or wildlife parks. Park Management I provides you with practical […]Vertical Farming Course – learn to grow crops in small spaces Study vertical gardening online in this short course. Explore ways of growing plants in small spaces for amenity or as a crop. Vertical farming is a logical and effective way of growing vegetables, fruits and herbs in urban areas not only for personal needs, […]Gain the skills and the knowledge in Designing Gardens in this short self-paced course. Designing your own garden can be one of the most creative things that you ever do – producing a living sculpture that gives you years of enjoyment. The secret to good garden design is a plan and having the skills and […]This course is designed to help set up and run a successful nursery. This is the way many plant nurseries start. If you want to avoid some of the big pitfalls, and minimize the chances of wasting time and money; a course like this is a very wise move before you begin. Course Aims: Understand […]Why study this Greenhouse Management course? If you have a passion for plants and want your garden to thrive all year long, Careerline’s online Greenhouse Management course is designed for you. The skills you learn in this course will help you become a more knowledgeable hobbyist, and you will be well-informed when setting up and […]It always seems that the more work you do in a garden, the more pest and disease problems seem to appear. For this reason, the keen home gardener and the professional landscaper need to be aware about what pests and diseases they may come in contact with, and how to control them. This Study Guide […]Managing a production nursery involves more than just propagating and potting up plants. Even the small nursery must be able to not only producer plants, but do it at a predetermined cost, then sustain those plants before and during marketing. The nursery industry currently has a real need for people with skills and knowledge in […]Soil Microbiome Online Course – Learn What Underpins Soil Health This course is essential learning for anyone who works in plant production, farming or horticulture, such as (but not limited to): Wetland specialist Watershed or drainage basin technician Hydrologist Environmental technician Soil and water quality specialist Conservationist Agricultural or Crop Consultant Landscaper Farmer On-site land […]Taxonomy is the science that underpins accurate plant classification and naming. Taxonomy is not taught often enough today – a fact widely recognized by those who work with plants at all levels, from tradesmen to professionals – gardeners, landscapers, nurserymen, crop farmers, arborists and others – through to scientists, environmental managers and farmers. This course […]Do you have a great garden center or work in a garden center but want to improve sales skills? This industry-focused 20 hour sales skills course is aimed particularly at garden centers sales staff. Input from the Garden Center of Australia Association and the writing of professionals in this field, has allowed this course to […]The Planting What Where short course will provide you with an understanding of plant knowledge that will help you select plants that are right for your garden. Whether you are a professional or a home gardener, this course will help ensure that you are not wasting time and money by selecting the wrong plants for your […]Improve your career opportunities and develop your business aspirations! The course contains all the tips to develop excellent practical skills in the management of a variety of horticultural situations. It covers subject areas such as: horticultural calculations, propagation management, hard and soft landscape management, planning – identifying needs for management of horticultural sites, identifying plant tissue […]Learn to select the right plant first and establish it well for guaranteed growth. This course is highly recommended for horticulturalists and landscape gardeners. Course Aims: Develop knowledge of the range of applications for and selection and establishment of horticultural plants. Develop knowledge in the establishment and maintenance of a range of woody plants, with […]Learn different methods of plant protection: Sanitation – maintaining good hygiene Physical control methods e.g. mowing, slashing, burning, flooding, hand removal, physical barriers (ie. netting, fences), etc. Using plant varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases Biological controls Chemical controls (artificial and naturally derived). Soil drenches/dips Course Aims: Identify the broad category which a […]Enhance your career or job prospects in horticulture or farming Improve your ability to grow plants Understand the science of plant disease Become skilled at diagnosing and understanding plant diseases. Plant production is reduced significantly every year, due to pathological problems. To control these problems is to increase productivity, and for the horticultural business; that […]Learn about the system of plant identification – once you know the “system” remembering names becomes easier. Learn shortcuts to identifying plants, and how to pronounce plant names Discover a pattern to cultural requirements, pest susceptibility, propagation methods and other plant characteristics. Expand the number of plants you can identify, and set yourself on track to […]Study Legal, Contractual and Staff Management for Horticultural Enterprises The ability to manage staff is pivotal in any enterprise (commercial or public); and in a society where law is becoming increasingly complex; the modern horticultural manager also needs to have a firm understanding of basic legal practice. This course focuses on building your capacity to […]A study focussing on managing Economics, Planning and Marketing of operations in horticulture. Your ability to manage a business can make a huge difference to your success in horticulture. In this course, you will learn to the business side of horticulture, including how to plan and implement effective strategies for your business and/or services. This […]Learn to work in a Production Plant Nursery This is a course teaches the skills for day to day work in a production nursery. There are eleven lessons involving: The Nursery Industry – operational flow charts, nursery standards, plant variety rights, transport regulations;plant identification, nursery structures, buildings, heating & cooling systems; potting mixes, seed propagation, […]Study, Learn and Work in a Plant Nursery Improve your ability to sell plants and associated products This course was developed in response to a request from a retail nurseryman who was finding it difficult to find staff with appropriate skills. As he put it, job applicants were either over qualified or lacked the basic […]This advanced course specialises in care of plant health. Understand plant health. Identify health problems in plants and techniques to control for those problems. A useful qualification for anyone wanting to work in the plant industry. Learn from highly qualified and experienced tutors. Course Aims: Identify the characteristics of pests and diseases of plants. Explain […]Home Study Horticulture Resource Management. This broad ranging course provides a sound introduction to management in horticulture. Skilled horticulture managers are in demand to develop strategies for enterprises in the horticulture industry. Gain skills to work in both private and public business enterprises.Developed specifically to develop horticulture business skills and resource management skills to ensure […]Why study this Horticultural Marketing course? If you have a horticultural product or service that you want the world to know about, Careerline’s online Horticultural Marketing course is the perfect place to start. The course is designed for practicing and aspiring horticultural businesspeople, farmers, agriculture professionals, and marketers. You will learn how to plan and […]Proper garden maintenance will save you time and money. Learn how with this course. Understand the shortcuts to have a good looking garden without huge amounts of time and money.Highly respected and qualified industry experts as tutors.Learn more about garden maintenance. Course Aims: Evaluate the maintenance needs and develop a plan for maintaining a […]Garden Centre Management Distance Learning Course. An extensive course which covers all areas of managing garden centres. Designed to train garden centre management staff. Developed in conjunction with major retailers and tutors. Highly experienced and qualified industry experts as tutors. Study in your own time and at your own pace. Course Aims: Classify and identify […]Course Aims: Identify optional management approaches for amenity horticulture sites. Determine varying features of optional management approaches for amenity horticulture sites. Explain planning concepts and processes used for provision of amenity land. Identify and describe up to date information sources relating to changing influences on the amenity industry. Explain current social environmental issues as they […]Study about plant physiology and its implications for crops; post harvest management and more. This course explains the principles and processes of plant physiology and their practical applications. It builds on prior studies in Botany A, plant physiology or other courses from the careerline range in Agriculture, Horticulture or Science. Best studied with Introduction to Botany. […]Plant Biochemistry Distance Learning Course study the biochemistry of plants learnabout lipids, proteinsand enzymes; nitrogen and the nitrogen cycle, photosynthesis and respiration in plants, transpiration and assimilation, pH, chemical analysis improve understanding of biochemistry applications and more. Chemistry is the study of the various elements that make up the physical world and how they interact. […]