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Biggest Mistake Students Make


[ Editorial ]

Online study, along with other commitments can be challenging, and we’ve all experienced the same problems. 

Whether you’re wanting to start a small business, work at a vet clinic, or do your private counselling practice, you’ve probably struggled with exactly the same stuff that got me frustrated when I first tried an online course:

    • Your passion starts to feel like another chore you have to do. It’s no longer the exciting hobby that you originally created.
    • Your hard work isn’t translating into growth. Regardless of how much time and energy you put into it, things are slow and it’s easy to lose motivation.
    • You find that it takes a long time to get through a lesson & pass an assignment, which is stressful when you’ve got a ton of other commitments (job, friends, family, remembering to actually eat, etc).
    • You’re starting to feel reluctant to switch careers because you don’t want to waste money and time, doing the wrong course.

In 2015, these were the things I struggled with. I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy learning, but neither was I seeing the fast growth I’d heard that you could expect from online study vs traditional school. 

Then one day I met with a friend for dinner, catching up on life & career. He started delving into my plans for the future, asking what my goals were. Spoiler alert – I didn’t have answers to any of his questions! To me, I’d always thought ‘I don’t know, I just want to try another career, become this or that’.

It was like someone had flicked a switch in my head. I’d been so focused on the end goal, that I’d totally neglected to think about the process of getting there, the strategy, the planning.

Successful people have been solving many of the same problems we face for decades. All we need to do is explore the different ways they’ve learnt to optimize, strategize, and systematize their operations and apply what works to our own hustle. This may sound too simple, but take a minute to think on how YOU..

… Can improve your workflow and efficiency to deliver a consistent, high quality output (i.e. assignments, exam).

… Can build systems to reduce friction, increase output, and optimize your learning outcome.

… Connect with motivated and passionate people with a similar goals, values, and mission.

Don’t just think of the end reward. It is a process . And the sooner you recognize that, the easier it becomes to achieve sustainable growth, and properly enjoy your study journey.

That’s all from me for now, I hope it gets you thinking a little differently! 🙂

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